HELP PAYS (Pay As You Save - Energy Efficiency Program)

What is HELP PAYS?

Help Pays

As a member of Ouachita Electric, your co-op offers online cost-savings tools to help you manage your energy use and budget. But did you know that the co-op can help you achieve cost-saving efficiencies in your home or business?

If your home or business could use an energy-efficiency upgrade, and you are looking for ways to lower your monthly power bill, then OECC’s HelpPays program is the solution for you.

Here’s how it works:  

  1. The member contacts the co-op and signs up for a free energy assessment.  
  2. A skilled energy auditor will visit your home or business to determine where savings can be gained and what upgrades will need to be performed. 
  3. The member approves the energy upgrade plan and a date is scheduled for the work to be done.
  4. Energy auditor inspects the upgrades and approves payment for the work done.

Just 4 EASY STEPS to start saving on your energy bill!

What work is considered an Energy Efficient Upgrade?

  • LED lighting
  • Air Sealing (caulking and weather stripping)
  • Duct Sealing
  • Insulation
  • New heating & Air conditioning systems
  • SOLAR Arrays

Who Can Sign Up for the Program?

Program is available to all residential and small commercial co-op members.  You do not have to be the home owner to qualify.  Rentors are eligible too!

Will I have to pay anything upfront?

Most of the time, the energy efficiency upgrades we find result in no upfront payment.  Upgrades are paid back on your monthly bill over an extended time period.  Energy savings are calculated to be more than your monthly payment so you STILL SEE A REDUCTION IN YOUR ENERGY BILL.

Start the process today by requesting your free home energy assessment. There is no obligation or cost to the member for the assessment.
