Billing Procedures

Bills will be rendered monthly, and will include the following information:

  1. The name and account number of the consumer;
  2. The period covered by the bill;
  3. Meter reading;
  4. The quantity consumed;
  5. If the quantity is an estimate, it will be noted by a 
    code number referenced on the card;
  6. Any previous balance;
  7. The net amount of all payments and other credits;
  8. The gross and net amount of the bill, with "late 
    payment charge" shown;
  9. The date the bill was mailed;
  10. The due date of the bill;
  11. The designation of the applicable rate schedule;
  12. All Automatic adjustment clause charges;
  13. The Cooperatives name, address and telephone number.

In addition to the basic rates, an energy and cost of debt adjustment will be billed. These adjustments may be either positive or negative in amount. If no meter reading is received by the cooperative, the bill for the account will be estimated. If the cooperative has not received a reading for two (2) consecutive months, the meter will be read by the cooperative and a $5 meter reading fee will be added to the consumer's bill. This fee increases if the cooperative must read the meter again in a 12-month period.

A bill rendered by mail shall not be mailed later than the date indicated on the bill. The net bill is payable on or before the 22nd of the month following the date of the bill. For bills collected after the 22nd, the gross amount shall apply, the gross rates being 10% higher on the first $30 and 2% on the remaining balance. Bills are considered delinquent after the due date on the bill and service may be discontinued after a "shut-off" notice has been issued. Suspension of service may be delayed when a serious medical condition exists or when a delayed payment agreement has been entered into with the cooperative. These options are available through any office of the cooperative.

Any unpaid accounts as of the due date of the bill will be mailed a "SHUT-OFF NOTICE." This notice will allow five additional days to pay the delinquent account prior to termination of service. When service has been discontinued, the cooperative will schedule reconnection of service as soon as the delinquent bill and $50 reconnect fee is paid. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For regular hours, the reconnect fee is $50.00. Other than regular hours, the reconnect fee would be $75.00. If the reason of the termination was the unlawful or fraudulent use of the service, the cooperative may discontinue service without prior written notice. The Cooperative may, prior to reconnecting service, require a reasonable payment of estimated service rendered or may refuse to reconnect service until ordered by the PSC.

A consumer who wishes to discontinue service may telephone their request, personally inform the utility, or give written notice. Until the cooperative receives such notice, the consumer shall remain liable for all charges of services rendered. 
