Payment Options

Office: Open Monday through Friday from 8:00-4:30. The Hampton office is closed 1:00-2:00 for lunch. You may come to the office lobby or drive through during those hours to make payments. We accept cash, card, and check. You may call the office at 877-252-4538 to make a payment by phone. *After hours calls will be taken by our CRC representatives whom you can make a payment with as well. *

Night Deposit- If you would like to leave your payment in the night deposit for processing the next morning, the locations are the drive through in Camden or beside the kiosk in Hampton.

PO BOX 877

Kiosk: Our kiosk offers 24/7 payment availability. The kiosks are in the lobbies of our Camden and Hampton location. To use the kiosk you will need the following information from your account: Account number, Phone number, First name, Last name. The kiosk accepts cash and card payments.

Online: To sign into your online account you will need to have an email address associated with your account. Go to our website Under the My Account, click the Sign In button and Create account.

Once signed in you can see your account balance and make payments. Under the Billing and Payments tab you can set up your payment profile with a card or bank information. You can set up Auto Payments for recurring auto pay from a card or bank account on a day of your choosing.

Password: 8-10 characters, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, and 1 special character

App: Once you have log in information you can download our Smart App in the app store and use it just as you would the website. Our Mobile App is completely free to download and install.

Draft: If you would like us to draft from a card or bank account on your behalf, we have a form you need to fill out with your information giving us permission to run your CC or Bank Account on the 5th of each month. If using bank info, we will need a voided check. Please continue to check your account balances in case your draft is denied. We do not run drafts twice.

IVR Automated System: This is our secure payment system. When you call 877-252-4538, press number 1 to make a secure payment. You will need to know your account number, or the phone number associated with your account. Available payment options will be your credit card profile or e-check profile. You can make payments for multiple accounts at one time.

(It allows you to pay full amount or to enter an amount. If there is more than one account, it will give you the option to pay the total or to pay on a member separator. If you choose member separator, it will give the option to pay account total or to enter a payment amount.)

