Viasat Satellite Internet

Exciting News: Our Service is about to Get Even Better!

You may have heard that Viasat, the company that brings you Exede, has launched an even better
satellite that went online in February. This new satellite will have the more broadband capacity than any
satellite in history—and that’s good news for you!

We know you’re looking for:

  • Unlimited Data
  • Speed
  • Video quality

The new Viasat service has more capacity, speed and better video quality than any other satellite
available today. All the new packages come with Unlimited Data and speeds ranging from 12Mbps to
50Mbps. Customers will also be able to choose their preferred level of video streaming quality. This will
vary depending on how you stream video inside your home. Whether it’s mostly through a hand-held
device or a flat screen TV, Viasat broadband from Ouachita Electric Cooperative, will have a package
that’s right for you.

This is your opportunity to upgrade to an improved level of broadband service. But before you decide,
we want you to think about your options.

Sign up now!
