Operation Round Up
Since Ouachita Electric Cooperative was formed in 1938, we have been dedicated to helping the people in Bradley, Calhoun, Dallas, Nevada and Ouachita Counties live better lives, not only with affordable electric power, but through our involvement in a number of important community endeavors.
Now with Operation Round Up, an innovative community service fund raising program, we can share a simple and rewarding way for Ouachita Electric members to help support worthwhile projects in our service areas.
Operation Round Up is just what the name implies. Each month, Ouachita Electric simply “rounds up” the electric bill of participating members to the next highest dollar. For example, a member’s monthly bill of $52.73 would be automatically rounded up to $53.00, with the additional 27 cents going to the Operation Round Up fund. This program will never cost the contributor more than 99 cents a month. Donations are tax deductible and members will be sent a summary of their yearly contributions in December and January.
Community spirit. Service. Good will. Operation Round Up is an exciting extension of Ouachita Electric's commitment to our members. Members can sign-up with our online form below, email or contact any Ouachita Electric Cooperative office for this program.
Organizations or individuals may apply for donations by printing one of the following forms:
Individual and/or Family Application
Organization/Agency Application
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Recent Awards

OECC member Anniston Sanders will have ear reconstruction surgery in Los Angeles, CA February 3, 2023 to due to her congenital condition, Treacher Collins Syndrome. She was born with moderate hearing loss and underdeveloped ears and bones in the face. OPRU voted to donate to help with expenses.
Operation Round Up Signup Form
Operation Round UP Guidelines
- Individuals or families in crisis.
- Services that serve members of Ouachita Electric Cooperative’s territory such as ambulance, fire, food pantries, and misplaced children.
- Senior needs with emphasis on permanent benefit (equipment or program).
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