Just for Kids

Link to Crayola


A colorful site filled with everything you could want to know about crayons. All kinds of games and activities.

Link to Disney


A wonderland of all things Disney.

Link to Exploratorium


All kinds of fun science stuff, you can even build your own salt volcano!

Link to Warner Bros. Animation

Warner Bros. Animation

From Marvin The Martian to the Animaniacs, this virtual cartoon world has everything from games to videos.

.Link to Making Accidents Dissapear

Making Accidents Disappear

Making Accidents Disappear is an educational and entertaining program that teaches children across Arkansas the importance of electrical safety.

Link to Safe Electricity

Safe Electricity

A great starting point for teaching materials to links relating to electric safety.

Link to National Geographics Kids

National Geographics Kids

Animals and all kinds of other fun stuff, be careful or you might just learn a thing or two also!

