
Many Ouachita Electric Cooperative members are taking control of their electric usage and their high bills by enrolling in our prepaid billing option. Prepaid is as simple as its name. You pay for your electricity in advance, much like prepaying for cell phone minutes or prepaying for the gas you pump into your vehicle. Statistics prove that members on prepaid billing actually use less electricity than those who are billed monthly. Prepaid members tend to conserve and seek out energy efficiency measures. Daily notifications create daily awareness.

Who qualifies for Prepaid?
Most residential accounts* are eligible to enroll in Prepaid.

What are the benefits of enrolling?
More payment flexibility — pay in advance how much and how often as is convenient.
No due dates.
No shut-off notices.
No late payment penalties.
No reconnect fees.
No security deposits.**
Existing security deposits can be utilized to pay for current unbilled usage. Any remainder is then used for future power purchases, or refunded to you.

What if I owe money?
Should existing security deposits be insufficient to cover current balances, the remainder is set up as a long term debt. Half of all ensuing purchases are applied to this debt until it is satisfied.

How much do I need to get started?
Existing members — A $10 credit balance is required to start a prepaid account. In addition, if you enter into a long term debt agreement, you would pay $20, since half would be applied to your debt.
New members — A $10 credit balance is required to start prepaid. A $15 membership fee and a $15 connect or transfer fee still apply. But the good news, ABSOLUTELY NO DEPOSIT! **

What if my service is disconnected?
Accounts that are disconnected for non-payment still are eligible to enroll in prepaid. Any deposit is applied to your account balance. The remaining credit is used for future purchase of power, or any remaining balance due can be set up on a long term debt agreement. However, a $10 credit still is required to start a prepaid account.

How do I keep track of my credit?
Credits are adjusted through a daily billing. The billing rates and fees are the same as postpaid residential accounts. Ouachita Electric keeps track for you with notifications by email, text or phone call. If your account no longer has a credit balance, your service is disconnected until payment is made.

How do I make payments?
View My Account.
Call Ouachita Electric at 877-252-4538.
Visit a Ouachita Electric office in Camden or Hampton.

How do I sign up?
Sign up and click New User under the Login button, visit a Ouachita Electric office, or call Ouachita Electric at 877-252-4538.

Who can I call for help?
Call 877-252-4538 during regular business hours (8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday) to speak with a
Ouachita Electric Member Services Representative.

*Net metering accounts or 320 amp services are not eligible for Prepaid.
**Security deposits related to meter tampering still will apply.
